‘Tis friends who make this desert world
To blossom as the rose;
Strew flowers o’er our rugged path,
Pour sunshine o’er our woes

Author unknown?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Lilacs and Butterflies

The windows are open for the love of lilacs.  Their fragrance wafts through this old schoolhouse and I have just fallen in  love with lilacs all over again.  Their mauve hues and their perfume seem somehow healing.  They are a spring tonic, a form of aromatherapy.

There are usually beautiful yellow butterflies (Tiger Swallow Tails) flitting among the tree’s branches.

I have often mistaken the Tiger Swallow Tail for an American Goldfinch, the male of that species having handsome summer vestments of precisely the same colour as the butterflies’ wings. 

There is a huge patch of lawn which I do not mow until June because the wild phlox provides nectar for the butterflies.  I have seen many species gathered at the phlox and all in harmony with one another.  The wild phlox usually blooms at the same time as the lilacs but this year they are late.  Perhaps the butterflies will appear with the blooming of the phlox. 

Ever hopeful for the welfare of “all creatures great and small” is the theme of “My Rugged Path” blog.

Follow the link:  (butterfly gardens) http://espacepourlavie.ca/en/programming/butterflies-go-free

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